Auto leveling 9 messpunkte stat 6
Mesh Validation Pattern - Marlin Firmware Guider 2 has an automated 9 point leveling routine that seems to actually work. You need to perform Z calibration (center of bed) initially using a piece of paper and then the auto leveling uses it’s built in probe and checks 9 points all by itself either on demand or before each print.
SOLVED: Taz 6 auto leveling is >0.5mm off (NOW - LulzBot There are a couple commands that need to be added to the start up gcode to clear and reset the bed level calculations. You can compare what you have with the start gcode in the newest Lulz Cura to see what needs to change.
Automatic Bed Leveling - Marlin Firmware
This will change the overall bounds of the autolevel function and the firmware will recalculate the points in the middle, but will not change the number of points. To do that you can add a "N" command to your gcode. Something like G29 N4 will do 4 points in each axis (16 total).Do auto-allocated stat points get wasted at 99? - Metaphor G26 Mesh Validation Pattern is designed to be used in conjunction with mesh-based leveling to test the accuracy of the probed mesh. The G26 command prints a single-layer pattern over the entire print bed, giving a clear indication of how accurately every mesh point is defined.